Roman Polanski is hated around the world for his encounter in 1977 with 13 year old Samantha Geimer in Hollywood. He was arrested for rape, spent time in jail, and then fled the US when the judge was about to renege on his release.
Forty five years later, Geimer and her husband, David, met with Polanski and his wife, Emmanuelle Seigner, in Paris. The two men interviewed each other for a French magazine cover in which Geimer and Seigner agreed that Polanski was not to blame for anything. Geimer has always maintained her support of Polanski.
Why this man is celebrated is beyond me. Sure, I like the Movie “China Town” with Jack Nicholson and I love the movie “The Two Jakes” but I am NOT too young to remember that this pedophile is a rapist whether or not the victim says it’s ok. Stay in France as far as I am concerned..