2025 Changes to the ESV Bible Translation

From the Publisher:

ESV Text Change Summary (2025)

For Generations to Come

The ESV Translation Oversight Committee (TOC) is a standing committee of the Crossway Board of Directors. The purpose of the TOC is to preserve and carry forward the publication of the English Standard Version Bible translation and to ensure the ongoing accuracy of the ESV for this generation and generations to come.

With this purpose in mind, the TOC met over the summer of 2024 to consider a limited number of minor changes to the ESV text. Briefly summarized, the committee made changes to 36 Scripture passages involving 42 verses, resulting in a total of 68 word changes. Given that there are nearly 757,400 words in the ESV, this represents a change of about one word per 11,000 words in the ESV text. In addition to the above text changes, a limited number of changes were made to 57 footnotes, and a few additional changes were also made to punctuation in 14 verses.

Given that there are more than 540 editions of the ESV currently being published worldwide, the rollout of the text update will take nearly two years to complete, with the first copies of the new ESV text editions being released in the spring of 2025 and, Lord willing, with almost all of the new ESV text editions being published by the fall of 2026.

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For Sale: Cambridge ESV Topaz

Produced in a larger format and designed to suit both private study and public reading, the new Cambridge Topaz edition is a two-color reference Bible of the highest quality. The Topaz features a brand new design and, as a new Cambridge family, will be made available in multiple translations over time.

The sleek and contemporary design of the Topaz is carefully printed on the finest India-style paper and complemented with traditional binding techniques. Chapter and Verse numbers are printed in red to aid navigation.

Features include:

Black Goatskin with leather edge lined binding
Textblock: approximately 6″ x 9″ x 1-1/4″
Smyth Sewn
Double column
Verse by Verse
Line matched
Modern, digital typeface
10 pt. font
Cross References in the outer margins
Translation notes at the bottom of the page
Red Letter for the words of Christ
28 GSM Indopaque paper
Art Gilt for both Goatskin and Calfskin editions
2 high quality ribbons
Presentation and Family Records Pages

Schuyler 2024 Roadmap

From the Schuyler Announcement: Schuyler will be introducing the NLT PSQ this year as well as the NKJV Stridon. We will also be introducing more of our aniline calfskin options: desert camel, chestnut, tuscany, saddle brown, siena, olive green, Prussian blue – as well as our faithful black pearl and black goatskin options!! These will be available throughout our line of Bibles. The newly designed ESV will have an apocrypha option as well. This is going to be printed next month. We will also be collaborating with Crossway to produce more Heirloom Study Bibles and perhaps more Heritage editions!

As is often the case, inflation is putting pressure on our prices, as well as the fact that our Bibles are made in the Netherland and Germany (with French paper). The Bible craftsmen and materials in these countries are the best in the world, but they come with a corresponding price tag…

We truly appreciate our Bible community. The Word is such a gift to this generation. We hope that we steward this gift wisely since in our present darkness, the LIGHT that the Word produces is critical and consequential.

Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.” (Psalm 119:105)

Schuyler ESV Wide Margin in marbled mahogany

The best selling Schuyler ESV Quentel Bible is now available in a Wide Margin format. This Bible is identical to the current Schuyler Quentel ESV with the following exceptions: 1. Slightly smaller text size: 9.5 instead of 11 point font. 2. Heavier paper – 40 GSM Bible paper. 3. Semi-yapp cover. 4. 32 pages of lined note paper. 5. Last, but not least, wide margins. Outer Margin: 35 mm; Inner Margin 33 mm; Top Margin: 25-30 mm; Bottom Margin: 31-36 mm. This format will extend to the Schuyler Quentel series, and is already available in the Schuyler Canterbury KJV and and Schuyler Quentel NASB.

ESV Text Edition: 2016
Marbled Mahogany Calfskin with full leather linings (dark brown)
Page Size: 6.8″ x 9.4″ x 1.7″ (173 mm x 238 mm x 42 mm)
Outer Margin: 35 mm; Inner Margin 33 mm; Top Margin: 25 mm; Bottom Margin: 31 mm.
9.5 pt. Milo font
Line Matching to avoid “see through”
40 GSM Paper (Finland)
Smyth Sewn
Double Column, Paragraph format
Black Letter Text
3 x 1 cm Ribbons: Dark Brown, Gold, Dark Brown
Art-Gilt edging (red under gold) with gilt line (gold line inside the cover)
Gold embossing on the Spine.
Raised Spine Ribs
Smyth Sewn
More than 80,000 entry cross references
Presentation pages
Extensive Schuyler Bible Maps

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