UCF beat out 119 other teams that represented 105 universities from 33 states and the District of Columbia to earn its second top title at competition.

The Collegiate Cybersecurity Competition Team at UCF has won the 2021 U.S. Department of Energy CyberForce Competition, a challenge that pits collegiate teams from the across the country against each other as they thwart a simulated cyberattack.
This is the second time UCF has won the competition. This year, UCF beat out 119 other teams that represented 105 universities from 33 states and the District of Columbia.
This was the seventh CyberForce Competition hosted by the Department of Energy. Held virtually on Nov. 13, teams were challenged to harden and secure systems of a hydropower company — along with the systems of a subsidiary company – against a malicious cyberattack, all while maintaining service for customers, according to the Department of Energy.
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