Polka Dogz Pet Rescue has many highly adoptable dogs and I love each and every one of them. My wife and I have fostered a owner surrender that needs tender loving care as a senior with several health issues. This tiny fur baby is only 5 lbs and 15 years old and has no teeth. We took Elena as a foster because the low probability that she would be adopted and the rescue facility must be a tough place to live for a dog in her condition.
My wife and I are committed to giving her peace, love and comfort for as long as she is with us. If interested in taking on a senior dog, please apply at polkadogz.org. My wife and I are sponsoring her adoption fee.
After three hours of debate, Ocoee opted Tuesday night to delay a decision on an ordinance regulating retail pet sales.
City commissioners were poised to override an Orange County rule forbidding pet stores throughout the county from selling puppies, kittens and bunnies — and essentially grant a monopoly without any local oversight to Chews A Puppy, the only pet shop in the city that sells puppies.
But the board fretted about how to police the family-owned store, which has been tagged with an F-rating by the Better Business Bureau.
Continue readingDozens of cats were likely killed in a fire at the Pet Alliance of Greater Orlando location on Conroy Road late Wednesday, officials said.
About 25 dogs were inside the shelter at the time, and all got out safe, officials said.
Orange County Fire Rescue around 10:20 p.m. responded to the fire at the 5,000 square-foot building, which was 50% involved in flames, spokeswoman Lisa McDonald said.
Flames could be seen through the roof of the building.
Pet Alliance Executive Director Steve Bardy said there were about 35 cats in the shelter at the time and that “probably 20 to 30 cats” were killed in the fire.
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