Anglican Bible Reading Guide

For my One-Year Bible Reading Charts click here.

I spent a good portion of my time in the month of December 2023 researching bible reading plans and could not come up with a happy medium or compromise with everything I was seeking. After careful consideration and planning, I produced my own custom Bible reading plan that is constructed precisely the way I like it.


This plan is unique in that it combines several different approaches to a reading plan as follows: First, I wanted to read the Gospels in chronological order. There are several planes out on the internet that accomplish this, however, I wanted the New Testament to be of a different structure than the Old Testament. I used the Bible Reading Plan Generator to assemble the passages for the New Testament. This generator offers the user several different options to obtain the plan that fits best. I compared to other chronological reading plans and many of them chopped up the chapters into verses like this popular plan found at the back of the ESV Study Bible.

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