O Sacred Head, Now Wounded – St. Bernard of Clairvaux, 1091-1153

The hymn “O Sacred Head, Now Wounded” is based on a Latin text from the Middle Ages, often attributed to Bernard of Clairvaux, though it is now more commonly attributed to the medieval poet Arnulf of Leuven. Paul Gerhardt, a Lutheran hymnist, translated the Latin text into German in 1656, creating a version that encourages a more personal reflection on Christ’s suffering on the cross. The German version begins with “O Haupt voll Blut und Wunden”.

Verse 1
O sacred Head now wounded,
With grief and shame weighed down,
Now scornfully surrounded
With thorns, Thine only crown;
How pale Thou art with anguish,
With sore abuse and scorn!
How does that visage languish,
Which once was bright as morn!

Verse 2
What Thou, my Lord, hast suffered,
Was all for sinners’ gain;
Mine, mine was the transgression,
But Thine the deadly pain.
Lo, here I fall, my Savior!
‘Tis I deserve Thy place;
Look on me with Thy favor,
Vouchsafe to me Thy grace.

Verse 3
What language shall I borrow
To thank Thee, Dearest Friend,
For this Thy dying sorrow,
Thy pity without end?
O make me Thine forever,
And should I fainting be,
Lord, let me never,
Never outlive my love to Thee.

Verse 4
My Shepherd, now receive me;
My Guardian, own me Thine.
Great blessings Thou didst give me,
O Source of gifts divine.
Thy lips have often fed me
With words of truth and love;
Thy Spirit oft hath led me
To heavenly joys above.

Verse 5
My Savior, be Thou near me
When death is at my door;
Then let Thy presence cheer me,
Forsake me nevermore!
When soul and body languish,
Oh, leave me not alone,
But take away mine anguish
By virtue of Thine own.

Pashca, or Resurrection Sunday – not Easter

The term “Easter” is derived from the Old Saxon name for the month of April, which itself was named after the goddess Eostre, as noted by the monk Bede. However, the celebration of Easter in Christianity is not rooted in pagan origins but is directly related to Passover, which is why it’s called Pesach or Pashca in almost every language outside of Western Europe. The name “Easter” and some traditions associated with it, such as the Easter bunny and eggs, have been influenced by pre-Christian spring festivals that celebrated the spring equinox. These pagan festivals marked the rebirth and renewal of nature after winter, a concept that aligns with the Christian celebration of the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

According to various sources, the name Easter has its origin with a goddess of the Anglo-Saxons named Eostre (also Estre, Estara, Eastre, Ostara, and similar spellings in various sources). It is believed that she is the goddess of the dawn and was worshipped in the spring by pagans in Northern Europe and the British Isles. In The Two Babylons, Alexander Hislop claimed Eostre is actually a name derived from the Babylonian goddess Astarte. Hislop extended this connection to include goddesses from around the world: Ishtar, Ashtoreth, Venus, and others. In fact, Hislop argued that all of the systems of gods and goddesses find their origin with Nimrod and his wife Semiramis at the Tower of Babel. Thus, every primary god is a figure of Nimrod, and every primary goddess is a figure of Semiramis.

Pope Francis has double pneumonia as tests reveal ‘complex’ medical situation

Pope Francis has double pneumonia as tests reveal ‘complex’ medical situation
Pontiff, 88, already in hospital when latest diagnosis made, as Vatican confirms medical situation is ‘complex’

Pope Francis has been diagnosed with double pneumonia after further tests showed a continuing “complex” medical situation, the Vatican said in a statement on Tuesday.

The pontiff, 88, underwent a chest X-ray, which “demonstrated the onset of bilateral pneumonia that required further pharmacological therapy”.

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Are there three heavens?

The closest thing Scripture says to there being different levels of heaven is found in 2 Corinthians 12:2, “I know a man in Christ who fourteen years ago was caught up to the third heaven. Whether it was in the body or out of the body I do not know—God knows.” Some interpret this as indicating that there are three different levels of heaven: a level for “super-committed Christians” or Christians who have obtained a high level of spirituality, a level for “ordinary” Christians, and a level for Christians who did not serve God faithfully. This view has no basis in Scripture.

Paul is not saying that there are three heavens or even three levels of heaven. In many ancient cultures, people used the term heaven to describe three different “realms”—the sky, outer space, and then a spiritual heaven. Paul was saying that God took him to the “spiritual” heaven—the realm beyond the physical universe where God dwells. The concept of different levels of heaven may have come in part from Dante’s The Divine Comedy in which the poet describes both heaven and hell as having nine different levels. The Divine Comedy, however, is a fictional work. The idea of different levels of heaven is foreign to Scripture.

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imPastor Rick Warren deletes heretical post

On Tuesday, Feb 11th author and former senior pastor of Saddleback Church Rick Warren deleted a tweet that used the Crucifixion to suggest that Jesus Christ would be a political centrist. The viral post received more than 3 million views after several Christian leaders and influencers criticized him and accusing him of misinterpreting the Bible.

On Feb. 11, Warren posted an image of Jesus hanging on the cross in between the two thieves with the caption: “John 19:18 ‘They crucified Jesus with two others—one on each side & Jesus in the middle.’ The guys on both sides were thieves. If you’re looking for the #realJesus, not a caricature disfigured by partisan motivations, you’ll find him in the middle, not on either side.”

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2025 Changes to the ESV Bible Translation

From the Publisher:

ESV Text Change Summary (2025)

For Generations to Come

The ESV Translation Oversight Committee (TOC) is a standing committee of the Crossway Board of Directors. The purpose of the TOC is to preserve and carry forward the publication of the English Standard Version Bible translation and to ensure the ongoing accuracy of the ESV for this generation and generations to come.

With this purpose in mind, the TOC met over the summer of 2024 to consider a limited number of minor changes to the ESV text. Briefly summarized, the committee made changes to 36 Scripture passages involving 42 verses, resulting in a total of 68 word changes. Given that there are nearly 757,400 words in the ESV, this represents a change of about one word per 11,000 words in the ESV text. In addition to the above text changes, a limited number of changes were made to 57 footnotes, and a few additional changes were also made to punctuation in 14 verses.

Given that there are more than 540 editions of the ESV currently being published worldwide, the rollout of the text update will take nearly two years to complete, with the first copies of the new ESV text editions being released in the spring of 2025 and, Lord willing, with almost all of the new ESV text editions being published by the fall of 2026.

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“Easy Believism”

Many teach an easy believism so they focus only on John 3:16 and they don’t bother to read and include the rest of the passages . This idea of easy believism excludes God doing anything in the sinner to change their nature by the washing in regeneration by the Holy Spirit ( Titus 3:5 ). This is so wrong on so many levels, the end result is a false conversion, for only God can save the sinner by His Grace . Then they say everyone goes to Heaven and there is no such thing as hell and that God is all love and would never send anyone to hell. Then you ask yourself , why would they teach salvation this way , well we have false Gospels out there, say this prayer and you are in, walk the isle and you are saved , ask Jesus into your heart and you are good to go.

This brings in more questions, why are they propagating a false gospel ? Dishonest gain and control over the people. Is this to make certain people rich ? We have to be in the scriptures everyday and in prayer , we need to learn discernment, to know the truth as God has reveled to us in scripture from error . Jesus gave a good explanation to Nicodemus in John chapter 3 , about being born again and this is done by the Holy spirit and describes this using an analogy of the wind, the wind blows where it wills, you can see the effects of the wind, you don’t know where it is coming from or where it is going and you cannot control the wind, so is everyone who is born of the Spirit , for it is all of God and you have no part in it .

A Transformed life by God will be evident , they will not be who they used to be, they will hate their once cherished sins, they will see clearly what sin is before a Holy God . They have newness of life and desire to live a Holy life and to live Righteously and they love the Lord Jesus Christ and they love the Word of God and they desire to grow and mature to be more like Christ . They will deny themselves , take up their cross and follow Christ , even if it will cost them their life. For they know that they belong to Christ . You will know them by the fruit they bear and how they live .

John 3 : 16 – 21

16 “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life. 17 For God did not send the Son into the world to judge the world, but that the world might be saved through Him. 18 He who believes in Him is not judged; he who does not believe has been judged already, because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God. 19 And this is the judgment, that the Light has come into the world, and men loved the darkness rather than the Light, for their deeds were evil. 20 For everyone who does evil hates the Light, and does not come to the Light lest his deeds be exposed. 21 But he who practices the truth comes to the Light, so that his deeds may be manifested as having been done by God.”