2 For The Price of One

We have two atlantic basin tropical storms this week. Predictions are that they will merge at some point near the panhandle of Florida.

To have two tropical systems in the Gulf, potentially making landfall near the same time is unusual and could lead to something that is even more rare – the Fujiwhara effect.

The Fujiwhara effect happens when two tropical systems come near, then orbit each other, or possibly merge into one system.

It is named for Sakuhei Fujiwhara, a Japanese meteorologist who first described the effect in 1921.


I discovered on Monday that my estranged brother Mark had passed away.  He was 55.  Mark was born on September 1, 1964.  He was the 3rd living son of my parents.  My parents lost a child named Dwight, apparently he never left the hospital.  I was the youngest child, being the fifth born.

I learned that he lived just 30 minutes north of me in a town called Debary.  It’s all quite a shame to me.  I hadn’t spoken to my brother in 20 years or so.  The last time I saw him, he needed a place to crash and he slept in my second bedroom for a month or so.  He left on good terms and I never heard from him again.  That was the way our relationship was.  No gratitude, no closeness.  I never held anything against him, but never really made an attempt to contact him at all.  In the grand scheme of things, he is probably at peace now.

He left no will or instructions, and unfortunately I will be forced to deal will my alcoholic brother Kenny who lives in Tennessee.  The length of the probate will last about 4 to 6 months.  Arg.

Domain Transfer

I decided to move my domain mikelilley.net to WordPress. I previously used Hostgator which seems to be struggling lately and can be quite expensive. 

I checked my domain transfer this morning and it appears everything went through ok.  Just waiting for the address “mikelilley.net” to go live through wordpress dns servers.  Still not fixed but I’m sure that will happen in short order.

It’s good to be blogging again