Nearly two years into the COVID-19 pandemic, the world raced Friday to contain a new coronavirus variant potentially more dangerous than the one that has fueled relentless waves of infection on every continent.
A World Health Organization panel named the variant “omicron” and classified it as a
highly transmissible virus of concern, the same category that includes the predominant
delta variant, which is still a scourge driving higher cases of sickness and death in Europe and parts of the United States.
“It seems to spread rapidly,” President Joe Biden said of the new variant, only a day after celebrating the resumption of Thanksgiving gatherings for millions of American families and the sense that normal life was coming back at least for the vaccinated. In announcing new travel restrictions, he told reporters, “I’ve decided that we’re going to be cautious.”
Omicron’s actual risks are not understood. But early evidence suggests an increased risk of reinfection compared with other highly transmissible variants, the WHO said. That means people who contracted COVID-19 and recovered could be subject to catching it again. It could take weeks to know if current vaccines are less effective against it.
In response to the variant’s discovery in southern Africa, the United States, Canada,
Russia and a host of other countries joined the European Union in restricting travel for
visitors from southern Africa, where the variant brought on a fresh surge of infections.
The White House said the U.S. will restrict travel from South Africa and seven other
countries in the region beginning Monday. Biden said that means “no travel” to or from
the designated countries except for returning U.S. citizens and permanent residents who test negative.
Medical experts, including the WHO, warned against any overreaction before the variant was better understood. But a jittery world feared the worst nearly two years after the tenacious virus emerged and triggered a pandemic that has killed more than 5 million people around the globe.
“We must move quickly and at the earliest possible moment,” British Health Secretary
Sajid Javid told lawmakers.
There was no immediate indication whether the variant causes more severe disease. As
with other variants, some infected people display no symptoms, South African experts
said. The WHO panel drew from the Greek alphabet in naming the variant omicron, as it
has done with earlier, major variants of the virus.
Even though some of the genetic changes appear worrisome, it was unclear how much of a public health threat it posed. Some previous variants, like the beta variant, initially concerned scientists but did not spread very far.
The 27-nation European Union suspended air travel from southern Africa, and stocks
tumbled in Asia, Europe and the United States. The Dow Jones Industrial Average
dropped more than 1,000 points before an afternoon uptick. The S&P 500 index closed
down 2.3%, its worst day since February. The price of oil plunged about 13%.
EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen said flights will have to “be suspended
until we have a clear understanding about the danger posed by this new variant, and
travelers returning from this region should respect strict quarantine rules.”
She warned that “mutations could lead to the emergence and spread of even more
concerning variants of the virus that could spread worldwide within a few months.”
“It’s a suspicious variant,” said Frank Vandenbroucke, health minister in Belgium, which
became the first European Union country to announce a case of the variant. “We don’t
know if it’s a very dangerous variant.”
Omicron has yet to be detected in the United States, said Dr. Anthony Fauci, the U.S.
government’s top infectious disease expert. Although it may be more transmissible and
resistant to vaccines than other variants, “we don’t know that for sure right now,” he told
Speaking to reporters on Nantucket Island, where he was spending the holiday weekend, Biden said the new variant was “a great concern” that “should make clearer than ever why this pandemic will not end until we have global vaccinations.”
He called anew for unvaccinated Americans to get their widely available doses and for
governments to waive intellectual property protections for COVID-19 vaccines so they can be more rapidly manufactured around the world.
Some experts said the variant’s emergence illustrated how rich countries’ hoarding of
vaccines threatens to prolong the pandemic.
Fewer than 6% of people in Africa have been fully immunized against COVID-19, and
millions of health workers and vulnerable populations have yet to receive a single dose.
Those conditions can speed up spread of the virus, offering more opportunities for it to
evolve into a dangerous variant.