Monthly Archives: March 2021
Adoption Timeline – Give them a chance!

Covid -19 Updates March 14th

4,098 new cases, 63 resident deaths

I Miss Neil Peart…. Alot.
US Debt Passes $28 Trillion for First Time

How concerned should we be about America’s $28 trillion debt?
America has a problem. Well, almost 28,000,000,000,000 problems.
The national debt has ballooned to an astounding 27.9 trillion dollars. To put in perspective of just how much money that is, consider this.
If you were to stack $100 bills on top of each other, one million dollars would be around the three feet mark – about the height of a chair or a toddler.
And if you keep stacking the $100 bills, eventually past the peak of the world’s tallest building, going a little over half-a-mile into the air, this would be one billion dollars.
But we’re going for a trillion.
This would have you stacking $100 bills into the stratosphere and past the International Space Station. You would have to stack these bills 631 miles above Earth’s crust. That would equal one trillion dollars. Now imagine 28 stacks of 631 mile-high $100 bills.
That’s America’s debt.
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